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I'm taking an exchange year at a New Zealand high school. My first class is gym so I join the other girls who are playing water polo or handball. I make friends with one of the girls and we walk after class to her car in the garage. Her other friends are there too. We cross over a bridge/ferry to Australia and have to show our passports. The dream changes slightly and I'm holding a fish that has a prosthetic tail made of sequins. We arrive at a flatbed truck that has a merman sitting on the bed. The guy next to me in the car is his boyfriend. I handed the fish to the boyfriend to show to the merman because he says it will make him happy to see that the fish was saved.
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I was in Malaysia at a night market. One of the storefronts had carnival games on the inside. I was playing a game where you guess a number and have to pick a corresponding plastic figurine. I brought the figuring up to the clerk and he gave me a lollipop for winning. I walk down the street and run into my brother and dad sitting at a table, but I'm confused because I didn't realize they were here too. I then see shadow run across an alley that could either be a rat or a dog. I figure I should find my mom, but my phone doesn't work.
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I was getting a haircut at a salon with my mom.
A turtle website said that mealworms are only snack for turtles.
I was taking a test. There weren't any words on the paper but small pictures of historically relevant items. I wasn't prepared because I had missed several classes. The teacher had given everyone different versions so no one could cheat. The students to the side of me had the orange version of the test while I had red.
The girl in my dream had the super power of spitting rope out of her mouth. The rope was soggy though.
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JJ and I went out to dinner at this restaurant that was similar to my grade school cafeteria. Everyone was seated at long tables. I accidentally follow the wrong person in and almost sit down with them — the guy sitting there is dressed similarly and has a similar haircut to JJ. I order a beef taco that comes with a side of some weird beige cubes and a crispy donut. JJ and I look for seats and we end up sitting with someone a group of people who were in the grade above me.
There's a concert going on upstairs. It's going well but then the band stops playing and starts having sex with people on stage. The manager and the venue people are outraged and stop the show. Leslie Jones from SNL is very upset and runs out. She's wearing a lime green outfit with feather trim. I run after her to calm her down on he steps and let he know I'm there for her.
A weird time skip later and Leslie is tearing through the large house all of this was taking place in. I'm on the third floor and climb out the window and make my way down. I find the girl I was sitting next to at dinner and wake her up from a pile of coats. I catch up to Leslie in the inclosed porch. She calms down but we notice the way the sun is coming through the holes in the curtain are starting to make the doormat smoke.
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Maple, R, and I were driving through a historic warehouse district with very cool old brick buildings. We stop to look at a place that's going to be a restaurant and then walk down the block to another building. We go inside and the lobby is pretty dark. In back right corner there's a diner counter with some stools and someone sweeping. We turn down the hall to the left. Maple goes in to use the bathroom and I stand in front of a some gumball machines. I fiddle around and look for coins because I want to get a little handmade toilet paper ghost from a machine. The person sweeping becomes really agitated and twitchy, so R and I push through double doors and run up the stairwell to the second floor.
The second floor has light and is like a gallery. There's someone in the hall and I ask her why the lights are out in the lobby, but she doesn't know. As she talks I follow her a little craft/bookstore that's at the end of the hall. There's about eight women in the store standing about. They tell me that on the last Sunday of the month they serve breakfast there. I look at shelf with painted/collaged cubes. My mom suddenly appears and asks if I want to get one.
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My mom was standing in the kitchen eating chocolate chex cereal.
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A bunch of my friends and I were at a store trying on clothes. Everything was really cute and nothing was the right size, but I already had a dress. My cousin walks in and I introduce them as Dallas and then as Dan. They introduce themselves as Dan or Ella or any name. We then try to get to a school dance but first we have to get through a mob of chaperones coming out of a church basement who are checking ID's. I forgot my ID so I have to run through the crowd.